Just Thoughts
5 min readDec 20, 2020


Keeping Your Health Up When A Global Pandemic Has Got You Down

Let’s face it, 2020 was the year from hell. The whole world has been turned upside down. As a Pandemic swept across the globe, people lost their jobs, their homes and their lives.

Many of us tried to keep busy with new hobbies. We became inventive in our isolation. Sadly, some of us lost our minds. Being isolated is torture for many. Being constantly gripped with fear over the uncertainties of this illness is exhausting. The news for the last year has talked of little else other than the disease. The virus has overstayed it’s welcome to say the least.

There is plenty of talk about the numbers, social distancing, mask wearing, and now, even a vaccine. I find it rather curious that in all our talk about this illness, the one thing we don’t hear about is how the best preventative may very well be a healthy body. Why are we not talking about this? Why are we not discussing nutrition, exercise, sleep and vitamin supplementation as a real preventative measure?

We already know that these factors can boost the immune system. There is plenty of discussion[1] on how vitamin D can help against the infection. We know that exercise contributes to a healthy immune system, as does proper nutrition, sleep, and a reduction in stress.

Nutrition & Health

I recently read The Carnivore Code and Dr. Paul Saladino makes a very good case. There is growing support for the carnivore movement and I can attest that I feel so much better since changing to this way of eating. But is it enough to keep us from getting sick?

You truly are what you eat. If we eat sugar-rich, processed, foods then we can expect to not be all that healthy. So, what do you eat? Are you strong like a carnivore? Are you lean like a plant? Or are you garbage like the Standard American Diet?

What about supplements? Should you be taking one? The simple answer is YES! I personally, take one 4,000 UI of Vitamin D daily (which I’ve been taking for years, completely pre-covid) and I randomly take a multivitamin every now and then. Supplements are just that, they fill the gaps in your nutritional intake. It’s important to understand the intake of vitamins[2] before you begin any supplementation.

Think: Food

If you eat a Standard American Diet, first — I would consider switching that first. Now, I am no doctor so don’t take any of this as medical advice. However, I can say you’ll likely want to take a Vitamin D supplement. Depending on where you live, there is a very good chance you may suffer from a vitamin D deficiency[3]. If you eat a vegan / vegetarian diet, you’ll want a Vitamin D supplement and a B12 supplement at the very least.

Ultimately, the best way to supplement is to have your blood tested so you know where you are lacking and then work toward repairing that. It’s smarter and healthier to target supplement than it is to take a multivitamin.


We all hear that exercise is necessary. We did not evolve to sit on our rear-ends all day long, yet, a lot of us do! It is very important for our longevity to be active. This doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym hardcore for 6 hours a day. However, 30 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of calisthenics a day will greatly increase your longevity.

Here’s the thing, not many people actually LIKE to work out. It’s hard. It’s exhausting, and when pushed hard enough, it hurts. But if it can mean the difference between dying at 65 or dying at 85 — it’s worth the 50 minutes a day. And let’s be honest, once you’ve completed those 50 minutes, you feel great!

It takes will, grit, and determination to begin a workout routine but it’s worth it in the end when it means a better quality of life overall. The more fit you are, the better your body can respond to illnesses such as covid-19.

Sleep State

How much sleep are you getting? It is good sleep? We underestimate how important good sleep is. As adults, it is suggested that we get between 7–8 hours of good quality sleep a night[4]. But many of us don’t, and that does have negative affects on your immune system.

Do you shut off the electronics an hour before bed? Maybe meditate, read or complete some other “down-time” type of activity? There is strong evidence that suggests[5] we should turn off the electronics at least an hour before bed as it affects the quality of sleep you get.

All in all, our health is extremely important regardless of covid-19 or any other illness. The best way to stay safe, is to stay healthy! So really consider your personal habits — where can you improve? Do you need better nutrition? More exercise? Or better sleep? A health you is a happy you!


↑1 Hernández, J. L., Nan, D., Fernandez-Ayala, M., García-Unzueta, M., Hernández-Hernández, M. A., López-Hoyos, M., Muñoz-Cacho, P., Olmos, J. M., Gutiérrez-Cuadra, M., Ruiz-Cubillán, J. J., Crespo, J., & Martínez-Taboada, V. M. (2020). Vitamin D Status in Hospitalized Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgaa733

↑2 Office of Dietary Supplements — Multivitamin/mineral Supplements. (2017). Nih.Gov. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/MVMS-HealthProfessional/

↑3 Amrein, K., Scherkl, M., Hoffmann, M., Neuwersch-Sommeregger, S., Köstenberger, M., Tmava Berisha, A., Martucci, G., Pilz, S., & Malle, O. (2020). Vitamin D deficiency 2.0: an update on the current status worldwide. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74(11), 1498–1513. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41430-020-0558-y

↑4 Worley, S. L. (2018). The Extraordinary Importance of Sleep: The Detrimental Effects of Inadequate Sleep on Health and Public Safety Drive an Explosion of Sleep Research. P & T : A Peer-Reviewed Journal for Formulary Management, 43(12), 758–763. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6281147/

↑5 Can Electronics Affect Quality Sleep? | Sleep Foundation. (2020, December 8). Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/how-electronics-affect-sleep#:~:text=Tempting%20as%20it%20might%20be,tired%20and%20ready%20for%20sleep.



Just Thoughts

I'm no one of any real importance just spewing my opinion on various topics.